How I dissolve Anxiety and Depression using text messaging
Annual World Congress on Psychiatry
November 29, 2021 | Webinar

Keith Coney

Keith Coney Life Support, Australia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


At the 7th Annual Mental Health Congress this year, I presented my lived experience of recovery from 4 mental illnesses. I have 20 years as an engineer but since I discovered that I am a high resilience empath and since developing that skill I have been able to “transfer” any mental illness or trauma into my body in around 90 minutes. I have had great success with all psychiatric mental illnesses and numerous traumas and emotions, also in children, but not schizophrenia yet. I used this skill to dive into hundreds of illnesses across the psychiatric range. But an empath’s skill is not practical for mass distribution to the public health systems as a solution to mental illnesses. In fact, every empath that I have met has a different skill, so my initial focus on duplication appears not to be an option. It wasn’t until I started answering posts on the Facebook mental illness pages in October 2021 that I realized there was another way. I supported 82 people in the first week, while working full time. Every mental illness that I have worked on to date has had a major emotional event immediately before the start of the illness. I started looking for ways to release this overwhelming emotion. I succeeded the first time. It took 2 hours by text message. Now, I use energy transfer and the text method depending on the duration of the condition only, at least 3 times a week anywhere in the world and while I don’t promise a full recovery, everyone feels substantially better. I’m going to show the process I used to release the emotion they formed inside themselves to cause their illness. Mental illness is not the correct term. I don’t even think they are illnesses. I call it Emotional Overwhelm.

Biography :

Keith Coney is a full time Quality Manager for a major contractor in Australia on a major Defence project. He is a Chartered Engineer and Project Manager, Lead Auditor and a Certified Life Coach (Engenesis’ Being Profile). He is insured for counselling internationally based on his experience. He has delivered speeches to Defence, Sunsuper and other businesses and charities about mental illnesses and he resolves mental illnesses in any person that asks for support on the Facebook Stress, Anxiety, Addiction, Depression page. Since 2019, he has successfully resolved hundreds of individuals with any psychiatric disorders, emotional traumas and supported people in suicide situations – in more than 15 countries. Keith focusses on innovative ways to resolve mental illnesses in amatter of hours with the view to eradicate mental illnesses worldwide.