Hoarding disorder: new horizons
International Conference on Psychiatric & Geriatrics Nursing and Stroke
November 19-20, 2018 | Paris, France

Satwant Singh

North East London NHS foundation trust, UK

Keynote: J Psychiatry


Hoarding disorder or compulsive hoarding as it was previously known has until recently received little attention. However, with the increased media attention and the introduction of hoarding disorder in the DSM-V as a condition in its own right has increased in the awareness, understanding and identification of individuals with hoarding issues. The media has proved to be a double edge sword in both highlighting the disorder and increasing the stigma and discrimination of individuals with hoarding issues. Despite the increase in presentations within mental health services, there is a lack of a specific service available for the treatment of hoarding disorder. Hoarding disorder presents a challenge for a range of professionals in dealing with this presentation due to its complexity and the impact it has on individuals, family and carers and the community at large. Limited research into this disorder has shown cognitive behavioural therapy to be an effective intervention. However there is no specific treatment model. In our experience the treatment of hoarding issues requires a holistic approach combining both a cognitive behavioural and experiential interventions to address both the overt and covert underlying issues that individuals present with. In addition to helping individuals with hoarding issues reclaim their space attention needs to be given to assist individuals integrate back into society by reclaiming their life and building on their resilience.

Biography :

Satwant Singh is a Nurse, Consultant in CBT & MH and Professional and Strategic Lead for IAPT. He has been facilitating the monthly London Hoarding Treatment Group since 2005, engaged in research with King’s College London and with colleagues in understanding HD using Visual Methods in developing interventions to deal with hoarding issues, facilitated workshops and training in this field and CBT. He has co-authored the UK’s first selfhelp book titled “Overcoming Hoarding” published by Robinson Press self-help book based on CBT techniques for individuals, family members, carers and professionals.

E-mail: cbt.satwant@gmail.com