Joint Event on 2nd International Conference on Healthcare & Hospital Management and 6th International Conference on Medical & Nursing Education
November 6-7, 2017 | Vienna, Austria

Ljubinka Pocrvina and Marjan Matesic

General Hospital Novo Mesto, Slovenia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Statement of the Problem: Ensuring successful and good quality of healthcare, inside General Hospital Novo Mesto, is based on good management and optimization of processes. Work process, on ward X, is complex and employees are facing various problems on daily basis, that are causing additional financial costs, time consumption and employee dissatisfaction. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Observation of work process and additional employee interviews were conducted during study process. Observation was conducted to focus on time consumption for performing each activity and to see the utilization of staff members, while interviews were carried out to understand the reasons of staff performance. Findings: Inadequate organization and manual mode work on ward X are the main cause for long time consumption, unnecessary utilization of staff and additional costs. Usage of information technology (IT) is basic, while tools to improve the work process remain unused. Conclusion & Significance: Work process on ward X, can be improved by using IT, that do not require thorough knowledge or expertise. Furthermore, reorganization of basic activities can greatly improve the utilization of staff members as well as reduce financial costs. In addition, improvements would also benefit to staff members in a way, it would reduce workload and stress.