Mehdi Razeghi, Hamed Ghomashchi and Mohammad Shafigh
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Res Bioeth
Objective: The purpose of this paper was to study the quantitative differences between normal and waddling gaits is muscular dystrophy diseases were assessed by force platform. Methods: Thirty five healthy subjects as the control group and twenty eight myopathy patients participated in this study. Patient data were extracted from muscular dystrophy in Boali hospital, and normal data were collected from students of science and research University. All of the tests were performed using a Kistler force plate. Patient and healthy subjects walked at faceplate without any assistive devices and barefoot Results: Our results showed that, there were no considerable differences between two groups in the anterior-posterior components of the ground reaction forces; however, there were significant differences in the force components between healthy subjects and patients in the medial-lateral and vertical directions of the ground reaction force.