Joachim Stellmach
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Bioequiv Availab
Endrenyi is Professor Emeritus of pharmacology and biostatistics in the University of Toronto. He has served the university in various positions including on its Governing Council and as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. Externally, he has served on grant review committees and editorial boards of research journals including the Amer. J. Physiol, J. Pharmacokin. Pharmacodyn., J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., Biosimilars, and J. Pharm. Sci. He has received several recognitions, including an honorary doctorate from Semmelweis University. He published a book on Kinetic Data Analysis and over 160 research papers
J. Stellmach has obtained a doctorate in Organic Chemistry at the University of Freiburg/Brsg. at the age of 30 years and worked as scientific assistant in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of M?nster/Westf. He is chief examiner and directorate adviser at the European Patent Office in Munich/Germany. He has published several papers in reputed journals of industrial property on the expert assessment of inventive step for chemical and pharmaceutical patents.