Gingival status in children with the diagnosis of pyelonephritis
24th Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting
June 11-12, 2018 | London, UK

Sirma Todorova Angelova, Dobrinka Mitkova Damyanova and Paraskev Stoyanov

Medical University Varna, Bulgaria

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Statement of the Problem: Nephrological noxae exert a complex of harmful effects upon tissues, organs and systems of the body. Hard teeth structures and soft tissues into the oral cavity are also upon the deteriorative impacts of kidney diseases. The state of gingival tissues serves as one of the most essential and explicit criteria of assessment of caries risk. The purpose of our study is to investigate the gingival status in patients of child�??s age suffering from pyelonephritis, compared with healthy children. Materials & Methodology: The subject of this research is 92 males and females from 0 to 18 years of age, hospitalized by the reason of established pyelonephritis. The group of healthy controls includes a number of 42 children characterized with no common health disorders. We have implemented the clinical method of registration of the gingival index GI by Lȍe-Silness. Descriptive analysis concerning both of the groups of the investigation has also been applied. Results: The average value of the index of GI is higher in patients with diagnosed pyelonephritis compared with healthy children. The maximal value of the indicator for gingival inflammation is considerably lower in children with no kidney disorders in comparison to these with the diagnosis of pyelonephritis. The histogram of GI in patients with pyelonephritis illustrates that among the predominant ratio of these participants the value of GI fluctuates between 0, 99 and 2, 00. The histogram of GI in healthy controls demonstrates that among the prevailing ratio of these children has been recorded the value of GI equal to 1, 18. Conclusion: Taking into consideration the evaluation of the status of gingival tissues among the representatives of both groups involved into the study, we can conclude that children suffering from the kidney disorder of pyelonephritis are in higher risk of tooth decay in relation to healthy participants.

Biography :

Sirma Todorova Angelova completed her Graduation at University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria and Master’s degree in International Financial Affairs. Since 2011, she has been working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University, Varna. Her occupation is related to academic teaching at Pre-Clinics of Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Prophylaxis and Clinics of Pediatric Dentistry.
Dobrinka Mitkova Damyanova has gained her Master degree of Dental Medicine in the year 1997 in Medical University, Faculty of Dental Medicine - Sofia, Bulgaria. She has completed her PhD in Medical University Varna, Bulgaria in 2017. Since 2008, she is an Assistant in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry and since 2013 she is working in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry-Medical University of Varna.