Dentistry received 2249 citations as per Google Scholar report
Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel
Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry
T he purpose of this study was realizing an epidemiological research of the buccal health conditions and of the necessities of children who live in floured and non floured areas from public schools of Taguatinga-DF. The sample was about the evaluation of the clinical cards of 562 children from 6 to 17. Through this research we have been done a classification according to the necessities of treatment according to priorities 01, 02 and 03. The clinical cards were divided in two groups. The group 1 (G1) corresponds to the rural schools with non floured water. The group 2 (G2) corresponds to the urban schools with floured water. 62,7% (n 103) of the children from G1 presents the priority 1 of treatment necessity, 27,5% (n 103) (Priority 2) and just 9,8% (n 17) (Priority 3). At G2 - 36,2% (n 143) (P1), 25,7% (n 102) (P2) and 38,1% (n 152) (P3). The value of (P) was 0,001, it shown a statistically significant difference among the groups. At G1, the children from 6 to 9 shown a average of 3,76 teeth and at G2, about 1,67 teeth for child. The value of (P) was 0,001. It shows a highly significant difference. In the others ages the value of (P) was 0,007 and 0,634, respectively, has no a significant difference. We conclude that the young children that do not used floured water (G1) shown worst buccal health conditions. This results show the necessity of improvement of floured water in Brazil. Descriptors: Dental caries; children, fluorides; socioecomic factors.
Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel is graduated in Dentistry. She has completed her Masters in Health Sciences of the University of Brasilia in 2005 and a Ph.D. in Health Sciences of the University of Brasilia in 2009. She is professor of Public Health and Epidemiology in this University. She has published more than 08 papers in reputed journals and actually coordinates an Extension Project about Health surveillance w ith graduate students