Ethical issues surrounding the advancement in neurological disorders and stroke: use of AI in health case
7th International Conference on Neurological Disorders & Stroke
September 20-21, 2018 | Rome, Italy

Antonio Jacomo

Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Brain Disord Ther


Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing speedily, with many applications in practice or in development into many fields, including medicine. The consequence is that there is much hope and enthusiasm surrounding the use of AI in stroke treatment for improving the accuracy of diagnosis and the quality of patient care. For stroke management case, adequate analysis of stroke imaging is crucial. AI techniques have been applied specially to interpret the data from stroke imaging and have demonstrated some promising results. In the very near future, such AI techniques may play a fundamental role in determining the therapeutic methods and predicting the scenario for stroke patients in some individualized modus. The aim of this presentation is to examine the ethical issues arising from the current and potential applications of AI. We consider that AI has the potential to make healthcare more patient-friendlier. For the ethical analysis, we propose to make two very brief points, connected with research and healthcare: The first point is connected with ethics in healthcare treatments- whether increase use of AI lead to a loss of human contact in care? how we can manage justice and equity access to these new treatments? who is responsible for the decisions made by AI? The second point is about ethical questions in research: we will raise challenging issues of risk-benefit, consent and the treatment of patients in control groups. Our intention is to suggest that attention must be paid to the ethical importance of the timing of treatment and the ability of acute stroke patients to give valid consent to participation in clinical research. The final conclusion is to ensure that innovation in AI is used in a way that could be more transparent, that address personal and societal needs that are consistent with equity and public values.

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