Emerging innovative teaching strategies in nursing
Joint Event on Heart Failure, Pediatric Cardiology & Nursing Education
February 18-19, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Swami Rama Himalayan University, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Cardiovasc Pharm Open Access


Introduction: Education is a light which shows the right direction to mankind to surge. The purpose of education is not just making a student literate but also adds rationale thinking, knowledgeably and self-sufficiency. The learning process in nursing is very unique because nursing student should be able to perform the activities of the profession in live situations. Critical thinking is crucial to providing safe, competent, and skillful nursing practice. During any course of nursing, clinical experience considered as lifeblood of nursing education. Nurse educators and faculties have a responsibility to provide most efficient clinical instruction to aid best learning to nursing students during their course. Innovation is the act of constructive thinking, grouping knowledge, skills, and attitude into new, original & rational ideas.

Emerging Trends in Teaching Methodology: There are various instruction strategies for classroom & clinical are; Lecture, discussion, demonstration, simulation, laboratory, seminar, panel, symposium, problem solving, problem based learning (PBL), workshop, project, role- play (sociodrama), clinical teaching methods, case based learning, clinical simulation, programmed instruction, self-directed learning (SDL), micro teaching, computer assisted instruction (CAI), computer assisted learning (CAL), blackboard learning (Web based learning), mind mapping/ concept mapping, storytelling, field trips, games, use of good sense of humor, etc. Innovations depends on the teacher that how they utilizes the instructional strategies while delivering lectures or teaching in clinical. Innovative applications should be evidence based.

Conclusion: A combination of technologies & social media plays a critical role in this by promoting the integration of technologies, humanization of virtual interactions, and personalization of learning. New technologies continue to emerge and bring with them the promise to reform and revitalize today’s higher education system. Globally there has been a call for a paradigm shift, from a teacher to a learner centered approach in nursing education. Furthermore, educators must be fully trained and incentivized to use new technologies. Nonetheless, these technologies and/or others not yet conceptualized will surely be incorporated into health care education as it evolves to meet the many challenges of 21st -century learning