Cham Jia Xin
PJ Global Wellness Consulting, Malaysia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Brain Disord Ther
During sleep, our body cells repair themselves. It is the ultimate way for greater health. However, there are so many of us who don???t sleep well in this modern world. Sleep deprivation affects our health in many ways. Japanese Professor Dr. Toshiyuki Hara A.C gave the world Electric Potential Therapy (EPT) in 1928. Through years of research and innovation, we are now able to bring this it from Japan to our homes. With its latest innovation, it comes in a form of a one of a kind, high-quality mattress. This treatment is certified by Japan, Taiwan, and Malaysia???s health authorities as a medical device therapy. It has been certified to bring improvement to many health concerns including insomnia, headache, constipation, indigestion, and neck and shoulder pain. It also promotes blood circulation, relieves nerve, muscle pain, and fatigue. EPT surrounds the body with the electric field which is similar to the body with an electric field. The body cells absorb the abundance of negative ions and become active. The strong negative potential in cells enhance the permeability of cells??? membranes and increase the vitality of cells, promotes normal ionization, restores the number of electrolytes in the blood and regulates acid-base balance of our body. It also helps to regulate hormone and improve nerve conduction. This home-use medical device also comes with Thermotherapy with Far Infrared (FIR) rays. This helps activate the body molecules and revitalize body cells. The heat warms the body and improves blood circulation, boosts cellular metabolism and enhances immunity against diseases. Conclusion & Significance: With the use of EPT, FIR and inducing deep sleep, it has helped many regain their health, including numerous amazing and heartwarming testimonials on patients with high blood pressure, high blood glucose, cardiovascular diseases, stroke and many more.