Dayamon D. Mathew, Naveen Kumar and A. K. Sharma
India has the largest livestock population in the world comprising of 200 million cattle (16% of the world) and 105 million buffaloes (56% of the world). About 14.2 million of cattle (8% of cattle population) and 10.3 million of buffaloes (10% of bufffalo population are slaughtered in India each year. The gastric components (viz. rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum) are generally not used as edibles and they can be a good source of collagenous biomaterials. The abattoir by products can be effectively utilized as source of extracellular matrices(ECM) scaffolds after proper treatment and processing. In this present study, the protocols were standardized for decellularising the ruminant gastric wall. The rumen and reticulum of buffalo origin were procured from slaughter house. The collected organs were washed and cleaned with distilled water to remove all the debris and feed particles. The tissues were cut into small pieces of size 20x20 mm 2 . The tissues were preserved at -20 o Celsius in sterile 1X phosphate buffered saline containing a broad spectrum antibiotic. The preserved tissues were thawed to room temperature before it was subjected to protocol for de-epithelialisation. De-eptithelialisation was done by using hypertonic solution. The tissues were subjected to hypertonic solution for different time intervals in an orbital shaker at 37 o Celsius. After subjecting the tissues to hypertonic solution, the epithelium was removed manually. The de-epithelialised tissues were then subjected to different concentrations of an ionic biological detergent for varying periods of time in an orbital shaker at 37 o Celsius for decellularising the tissues. The results in detail will be discussed at the time of presentation
Dayamon D. Mathew did his graduation in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry from Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala and completed post-graduation (M.V.Sc.) in Veterinary Surgery and Radiology from Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka, with ICAR-Junior Research Fellowship. Currently he is pursuing his doctoral degree in Veterinary Surgery from Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Uttar Pradesh, India with ICAR-Senior Research Fellowship. He had published 3 research papers in journals of repute and presented more than 20 papers in various conferences and workshops