Determining the life quality of chronic kidney diseases patients
10th Asia Pacific Global Summit on Healthcare
March 12-14, 2018 Singapore

Imran Aslan

Bingol University, Turkey

Keynote: Health Care Current Reviews


Treatments of chronic kidney diseases (CKD) are analyzed in Bingol city and at regional level. CKD is a major problem in Bingol and Turkey. Increasing numbers of CKDs cause dissatisfaction and extra load on healthcare staffs and families in Bingol city. Two main hospitals in Bingol giving dialysis services are controlled and responsible staffs were interviewed. Then, two surveys with 96 and 78 respondents at different times in 2015 were carried out of 160 patients, respectively. Having a high health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is an important performance indicator for dialysis centers at the treatment of end stage renal disease (ESRD). KDQOL�?�-36 Scoring Program (v 2.0) and SPSS 20 versions are used to find the life quality of patients and compare respondents according to education, gender and hospital by One-way ANOVA test. Just hemodialysis (HD) treatment is suggested at Bingol city center and life qualities of private hospital patients were found better than government hospital, when both surveys are compared. Moreover, the burden and effects of CKD are found the most significant factors which affect the life quality of patients in Bingol city, Turkey.

Biography :

Imran Aslan has done his four years Healthcare Education as Emergency Medical Technician at Batman Health Vocational High School between 1996-2000 years. Furthermore, he studied at Marmara University as Industrial Engineer, FHOOW, Germany as Technical Manager Master and Atatürk University as PhD student. Moreover, he has published more than 25 international articles at famous SSCI, ISI etc. indexed journals and also a book named as “Healthcare Management: Optimization of Resources and Determining Success and Performance Factors” has been published in 2016.