Denture hygiene among edentulous attendees at dental hospital - Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
24th Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting
June 11-12, 2018 | London, UK

Yasser Saleh Almunajem

Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Aim: The current study aimed to analyze the Denture hygiene behaviors of complete denture patients at Dental Clinic CenterQassim University, Saudi Arabia. Materials & Methods: In this study a total of 91 complete denture wearers (male and female) attending the dental hospital at Qassim University in Saudi Arabia were included. The Ethical committee approved the study and all participants gave their written informed consent. The questionnaire contained demographic information like name, age, gender, period of wearing, and other questions as denture instructions received, mode of receiving them, frequency of cleaning, materials used for cleaning. Results: 91 patients were interviewed. The age of the participants�?? range was 35 to more than 76 years; the most common age group was 56-65 years (37.4%). Most of the participants (92.3%) received instructions about cleaning and care of their dentures, 78% of them received this instruction verbally. The majority of complete denture wearers (51.6%) used water and toothbrush to clean their denture. (76.62%) of patients removed their denture at night before sleep while less number (26.37%) did not. With regard to routine follow up visit to the dentist for regular denture examination, 73.6% of participants never attend any visit. Conclusions: Over 73% of the studied subjects never attend any routine follow up visit. Recommendations: Improve the awareness of complete denture wearer in Qassim community towards the importance of taking care of their denture and toward the importance of periodic visit to the dentist.