Dentistry received 2249 citations as per Google Scholar report
Abeer Al-Namankany
Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry
Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the scores of dental anxiety (DA) and the evocation factors in children at London, and to investigate the relationship between DA and cognition. Method: A statistically calculated sample of 439 children (06-10 years old) participated in the study from University College London-Eastman Dental Hospital and two primary schools at London-UK. Abeer Children Dental Anxiety Scale (ACDAS) was used as a comparison measure to study the relationship between DA and age; previous experience; gender; parental expectation of the behaviour; and cognition. Results: There was no significant difference in the anxiety scores between the participants at schools and the hospital ( P =0.14). For all children, there was no significant relationship between DA and age ( P = 0.92); DA and previous experience ( P = 0.75). There was a significant relationship between DA and gender ( P <0.001, F>M); DA and parental expectation of the behaviour ( P =0.008). The perception of losing control, embarrassment and self-confidence are important factors in anxiety provoking; these results suggest that 91% to 95% of the children who reported negative cognitions on ACDAS-questions 14, 15, and 16 were anxious. Conclusion: Given the significance of the crucial role of negative cognitive patterns in anxiety evocation that could make the person apprehensive and difficult to treat, further research in the relationship between DA and cognition is recommended.
Abeer Al-Namankany has completed her Ph.D. in 2012 from University College London-Eastman Dental Institute. In her youth, she has won six Distinguished Clinical and Research Awards. She has been a chairperson and speaker in more than 20 international conferences. She is the author of a textbook (Dental Phobia & Anxiety: A guidance for a better management: Non Pharmacological Behaviour Management), and several publications in reputed journals. In 2012, she has been recognised as one of the top 10 Saudi Women Achievers by the Saudi press. In 2013, she has been recognised as an academic leader by the American Organisation of Wise Muslim Women. She is serving as an editorial board member in the World Journal of Meta Analysis, and as a reviewer in the European Academy of Paediatrics; the European Journal of Orthodontics; and the International Dental journal. She is the founder of Abeer Children Dental Anxiety Scale (ACDAS) and its? Arabic version.