Dentistry received 2249 citations as per Google Scholar report
Abeer Al-Namankany
Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry
D ental anxiety (DA) is prevalent and acts as a significant barrier to seeking dental care. In England, hospital admissions for extractions due to caries in children and young people increased by 66% between 1997 and 2005, most or all of these admissions would have required general anaesthetic anaesthetics which carry a significant risk of morbidity and a small risk of mortality. They also require a significant amount of resource. The obvious alternative is to provide dental treatment under local anaesthesia; however some children will not be agreeable to this. Barriers to treatment may be dental fear or Behaviour Management Problems (BMP). Dental fear or anxiety is associated with increased levels of caries and BMP. Dental anxiety is generally a major source of stress for GDPs who treat the anxious patient noting that the anxious patient requires approximately 20% more chair time than did the low-anxious patient. Moreover, DA could interfere with the efficiency of treatment by imposing more frequent interruptions. In order to better manage the anxiety, the ability to quantitatively assess DA and investigate the reasons for it is required.
Abeer Al-Namankany has completed her Ph.D. in 2012 from University College London-Eastman Dental Institute. In her youth, she has won six Distinguished Clinical and Research Awards. She has been a chairperson and speaker in more than 20 international conferences. She is the author of a textbook (Dental Phobia & Anxiety: A guidance for a better management: Non Pharmacological Behaviour Management), and several publications in reputed journals. In 2012, she has been recognised as one of the top 10 Saudi Women Achievers by the Saudi press. In 2013, she has been recognised as an academic leader by the American Organisation of Wise Muslim Women. She is serving as an editorial board member in the World Journal of Meta Analysis, and as a reviewer in the European Academy of Paediatrics; the European Journal of Orthodontics; and the International Dental journal. She is the founder of Abeer Children Dental Anxiety Scale (ACDAS) and its? Arabic version