Demonstration on Qigong
Joint Event on 9th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive & Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics & 3rd International Conference on Integrative Medicine & Alternative treatments
October 26-27, 2018 | Boston, USA

Qin Xiping

The All Japan Shaolin Qigong Association, Japan

Keynote: Health Care Current Reviews


Presentation demonstrates a) what Qigong can do to a large group of people who suffer from mental or physical ailments by sending out Qi to at once, which will invigorate the receivers??? internal Qi, to see how the minds and bodies react. b) To demonstrate with individuals with acute problems how my Qi makes them feel. c) I will demonstrate how I can transmit my Qi through my one index finger and create strong force. Participants can experience that through physical contact. d) I can also demonstrate how a blow with my clenching fist with Qi can extinguish a large number of candles without hitting them.

Biography :

Qin Xiping is the President of the All Japan Shaolin Qigong Association and he is also the executive chairman of the World Health, Medical, Qigong and Martial Arts Union. Being the 34th generation Grand Master of China’s SongShan Shaolin Temple, he represent the temple affairs in Japan. Qin holds doctorate in Eastern Medicine and a Chinese medicine doctor. He is also a visiting professor at Xián University. His research on the relationships between human’s Qi , levels of mental awareness and the body has been commended by many journals and experts.
