Cryptosporidium update 2015: A year of high incidence in Scotland
2nd International Conference on Parasitology
August 01-03, 2016 Manchester, UK

Lisa Connelly, A S Palmer, G Hawkins, B L Jones and C L Alexander

Health Protection Scotland, UK
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Bacteriol Parasitol


Between 2009 and 2014; an average of 557 laboratory reports per annum of Cryptosporidium were received at Health Protection Scotland (range 430 to 711). By comparison 746 reports were received in 2015, an increase 34% compared to the historical average and 5% higher than the previous peak year of 2012. During weeks 1-29 of 2015 reports were slightly lower than the average. However, from week 30 onwards reports increased and remained above historical levels for the rest of the year. Although not all isolates are routinely typed in Scotland, the typing data available indicated that the increase in weeks 30 to 44 was due to C. hominis. The increase was observed in both travel and indigenous cases. The increase from week 45 onward was largely due to an increase in C. parvum of a particular subtype not commonly seen in Scotland. A national UK case control study is currently underway to investigate the increase in C. parvum. The 2015 increase in Scotland was observed in all age groups compared to 2014 with the exception of those aged 65+ years. The largest percentage increase was among those aged 50-54 years an increase of 162% from 8 to 21. The highest numbers of reports were from those aged 0-4 years, 116 reports in 2015, compared to 78 in 2014. This high incidence of Cryptosporidium has continued throughout January and February 2016 with further sub-typing being performed to assist with the management of UKwide investigations.

Biography :

Lisa Connelly is a Biomedical Scientist at SPDRL, where she has been based since 2005. She has keen interest in research and development. Her recent publications include the molecular characterization of C. parvum isolates from human cryptosporidiosis cases in Scotland and Cryptosporidium species from human immunodeficiency-infected patients with chronic diarrhea in Jakarta, Indonesia.
