Clinical application of cold atmospheric plasma in dentistry
6th World Summit on Neonatal Nursing and Health Care & 7th Global Conference on Nursing and Healthcare
APRIL 19, 2022 | Joint Webinar

Aida karagah

Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: HCCR


Plasma medicine is an advanced research field combining plasma physics, bioscience, and clinical medicine. Cold atmospheric plasma use in clinical studies is principally limited to the treatment of chronic wounds, but its application in a wide range of medical fields is now the goal of many analyses. Cold atmospheric plasma is generally used for numerous therapeutic applications in health care. Particularly in dentistry. The goal of this article is an overview of the scientific principles of Cold atmospheric plasma application in systemic and oral diseases, with a specific focus on its potential in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.