Joint Event on 2nd International Conference on Healthcare & Hospital Management and 6th International Conference on Medical & Nursing Education
November 6-7, 2017 | Vienna, Austria

Livia Montes, Greta Rossini, Adriano Guimaraes, Barbara Felix, Bianca Baratela and Flavia Ramos

Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Statement of the Problem: In the 1980´s, with the reduction of investments in public health in Brazil, and the bad conditions of health services, there was a migration of sectors to private plans. In this context, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP), through the support of two Foundations, began to provide supplementary care for patients with healthcare insurance. In 2013, an Administrative Coordination was created to work in a multidisciplinary and multisectoral way, to establish and align guidelines and projects for health care providers and patients. To define the scope of the services, some strategies were developed following these aspects: standardize, in an integrated way, the management practice of the Units (7 Units), to measure the outcomes, optimize the processes, and offer quality for the patient. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Quantitative analysis of all data collected from the financial and assistance information system. Findings: In this project, which covered the review of all patients guiding processes, we found many gaps related to the financial area, care assistance, marketing and administrative perspectives. Conclusion & Significance: Even with the political and economical crises in Brazil, since 2015, the Hospital made a positive improvement in the operational efficiency, increasing 26% (US$12,8millions) in the financial outcomes. With the implementation of some projects to solve these problems, and an evaluation and measurement of outcomes, it was possible to achieve the goals and guarantee a better financial performance.

Biography :

Livia Montes Santos has a background in Social Work. She completed her Post Graduate in Social Work at Universidade de São Paulo and also completed the executive course in innovation in healthcare at INSEAD (France). She has also completed an MBA in Healthcare Management in 2014. Currently, she is concluding an MSc in Innovation in Healthcare. Her activities includes: strategic planning, leadership, management in healthcare and project management.