Buruli ulcer and case management in resource limited countries (DRC)
5th International Congress on Healthcare & Hospital Management
December 03-04, 2018 | Rome, Italy

Marie Jose Kabedi Bajani

University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Introduction: Buruli ulcer called mbasu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a debilitating chronic disease, considered mysterious and affecting primarily skin and sometimes bones. The condition is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, which often leads to extensive destruction of the skin and soft tissues with extensive ulceration usually on the limbs. However, its diagnosis and treatment is still a serious problem in the country. Objective: To demonstrate the difficulty of treatment in the country with limited resources and to draw the attention of practitioners and the population to the diagnosis and early treatment which are the only means to reduce morbidity and avoid disability. Methodology: Sensitization of the population and practitioners on the pathology, train the health personnel and clinicians on the importance of diagnosis and early treatment. The samples were taken from the suspects and analyzed at the INRB laboratory by Ziehl and molecular tests. Results: Health workers sensitized and trained on pathology, trained populations and the frequency of positive samples was 30%. However, the care of patients leaves something to be desired for lack of financial resources which are a strong obstacle to access to care for the majority of households. Conclusion: Health is of paramount importance to any human community. Its maintenance and stable maintenance depend on several factors (sufficient and nourishing food, environmental sanitation, drinking water supply are an effective medical action both preventive and curative) and yet require considerable regular investments to enable the survival and development of people.