Dentistry received 2249 citations as per Google Scholar report
Juan Carlos Pontons-Melo
Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry
A esthetic parameters dictated by society require people improvement in their dentofacial harmony, physical condition and appearance of health. These parameters are subjective, depending on the cultural and socio-economic environment in which the individual is located. The beauty corresponds to the harmony of pleasing proportions, which can be achieved by applying rules. The harmonious relationship between unequal parties is attributedtoPythagoras. He was based on the regular pentagon to establish the proportion 1.0/1.618 and emerging, thegolden ratio (PA). In dentistry, the PA was first reported by Lombardi and Levin, who observed by means of bars, with teethings aesthetically pleasing, the width of the central incisor was in proportion to the lateral, which itself was in proportion to visible canine.Also demonstrated that the lateral space is negative PA with halfthewidth of the anterior segment. Creating templates in PA fortheevaluation of the extent of the smile and the visible portion of the tooth, which can be used in making restorations.The knowledge of the fundamentals and calculations involving the PA are essential to the technical support. It is important to note that the PA is not an absolute determinant in dentistry, but yes, it is unquestionable, recognizing that represents a valuable tool for the evaluation and assessment of dominance, and proportionality of anterior dental segment, for the aesthetic treatment.
Juan Carlos Pontons-Melo receives a MS in restorative and esthetic dentistry from University of Sao Paulo. Received postgraduate training in restorative and esthetic dentistry, orthodontics and periodontics. He is Professor of Restorative Dentistry at School of Dentistry, Applied Science Peruvian University in Peru. Also, he is a Professor at the postgraduate esthetic program at South Scientific University. He is also Director of continuing education in Spazio Oral Dental Education. He has been published extensively in the esthetic and restorative dentistry in reputed journals