Anti-bacterial activity of total flavonoids isolated from Portulaca oleracea L

Hanumantappa B Nayaka and Ramesh Londonkar

: Agrotechnol


Flavanoids are uniquitous in photosynthesizing cells and are commonly found in fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, stems, flowers and wine. For centuries, preparations canting these compounds as the principal physiologically active constituents have been used to treat human diseases. Portuleca olerace L is an important medicinal plant that has been used in traditional medicine. The aim the present study was to isolation of total flovanoids and investigation for anti bacterial activity of petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol and total flavonids extracts of aerial part of Portulaca olerace L. in the present investigation we have used five standard pathogenic bacterial strains like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterictyphimurium, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumonia and enterobacter aerogenes, among all the bacterial strains Puedomonas aeruginosa and Proteus mirabilis have show maximum zone of inhibition for ethanol extract and total flovanoids respectively and remaining bacterial strains have shown mordant zone of inhibition. The present study supports that these flavonoids have antibacterial properties so helps in the developing antibacterial agents in the form of drugs for the therapy of infectious diseases caused by pathogens. The present study was aimed to evaluate the effect of Portulaca Oleracea L on fertility of female albino rats. Albino rats were orally administered with Petroleum Ether, chloroform and Ethanol crude extracts of aerial part of Portulaca Oleracea L in both high and low dose (500mg and 250 mg / kg of body weight / day, for 7 days), and effect of crude extract on Anti implantation and Abortifecient activity was investigated. The treatment of petroleum ether crude extract has shown 20% and 30% reduction in implantation activity at low (250) and (500) high doses respectively. In case of chloroform and Ethanol crude extracts, the chloroform extract has shown 50% and 60% reduction in implantation activity at low and high doses respectively, whereas Ethanol crude extracts have shown 40% and 50% reduction in implantation sites with respect to low and high dose of extract treatment . Ethanol crude extract treatment has shown abortifieient activity but the petroleum ether and chloroform extract treatment to pregnant rats did not shown any abortifecient activity. Keywords: Portulaca Oleracea L, Anti implantation, Abortificient