An innovative and supporting educational program for international hematopoietic cell transplant pediatric patients and siblings
Joint Event on 3rd International Conference on Pediatric Nursing and Healthcare & 3rd International Conference on Perinatal Nursing and Adolescent Psychiatry
September 21-22, 2018 | Vancouver, Canada

Estela Cabrera Lunar

Universidad Anahuac Mexico, Mexico

Keynote: Health Care Current Reviews


Pediatric patients and their families navigate an uncertain journey when the treatment option is a hematopoietic stem cell transplant. The diagnosis and treatment bring an abrupt change disrupting family dynamics and concerns that sometimes patients and siblings do not dare to ask. These concerns are of all kinds, especially social and emotional and affect all family members. But, siblings are the most affected, being the ???great forgotten members??? of the family, causing great conflicts in family dynamics, unbalancing the integral caring process. Latin American pediatric oncology has few didactic resources to support the disease process and help families navigate the journey alleviating their fears. The need to offer counseling and socioemotional support to the family, sick child and the siblings is paramount, to successfully reincorporate them into their daily lives without any gaps in education or socioemotional issues that could lead them to major behavioral problems in the short and medium term. The video resource Super Sam versus the marrow monsters made by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)/ be the Match is an educational tool, shared with the network transplant centers to help them support their pediatric patients. Hospital Angeles Lomas in the State of Mexico member of the NMDP international network has adopted the resource with their pediatric audience, with very successful results and somehow outside of the initial intended use of the animation video, to counsel siblings too.

Biography :

Estela Cabrera Lunar pioneer in the field of hospital education in Mexico since 2006 and is a hospital teacher in Hospital Angeles Lomas in Mexico. She is faculty professor in the Department of Education, at Universidad Anahuac México. Her contributions are innovative and a real breakthrough in hospital teaching in Spanish speaking countries. She has built educational bridges and collaboration partnerships between Mexico and the rest of the world in the health education field. Has attended and participated as speaker in several international conferences on healthcare and education.
