An approach to advancing blood safety through hemovigilence: A review
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacovigilance & Clinical Trials
October 27-29, 2014 Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India

E Brahmani, V Srinivas and J Venkateswarao

Posters: J Pharmacovigilance


Hemovigilence is a continuous process of data collection and analysis of transfusion related adverse reactions in order to investigate their causes and outcomes, and prevent their occurrence or recurrence. It includes the identification, reporting, investigation and analysis of adverse reactions and events in recipients and blood donors as well as incidents in manufacturing processes and eventually errors and near-misses. It is also an integral part of quality management in a blood system, triggering corrective and prevention actions, and for the continual improvement of the quality and safety of blood products and the transfusion process. A centralized Hemovigilence programme is to assure patient safety and to promote public health it has been launched for the first time in India on 10 December 2012 in 60 medical colleges in the first phase along with a well structured programme for monitoring adverse reactions associated with blood transfusion and blood product administration. National Institute of Biological (NIB) will be the National Coordinating Centre for Hemovigilence. This programme will be implemented under overall ambit of Pharmacovigilence Programme of India (PVPI) which is being coordinated by Indian Pharmacopeia Commission (IPC). All medical colleges of country will be enrolled in this programme by the year 2016 in order to have a National Centre of Excellence for Hemovigilence at National Institute of Biological, which will act as global knowledge platform.

Biography :

E Brahmani is studying Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) 5th Year at ? Talla Padmavathi College of Pharmacy, Kakatiya University,Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India?. She has presented more than 10 review articles at national conferences like Indian pharmaceutical congress, Indian student congress and national seminars. She was awarded 2nd prize in national seminar in Hyderabad in 2012 and 1st prize in national seminar held in March 2013 in Hyderabad. She was awarded diploma in Pharmacovigilence by Apollo Hospitals and had a sound knowledge on vigilance databases. She is working on the research project i.e., Adverse Drug Reactions.