Ambiguity and cross phone impact on Tamil people greeting English people as a guest
Joint Meet on 6th World Congress on Public Health and Nutrition & 28th International Congress on Nursing and Primary Health Care & 9th International Conference on Mental health and Human resilience
May 03, 2021 | WEBINAR

Vivekanandan Ramachandran


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Consider the Tamil words NIiNgKALl, PAaL, KOTtTtAiVATtINIiR, TEeNIiR , PAaLURrAVU , PAaLUuTtTtI , ETAi , ETtUTTUKKOLlLlA and VIRUMPUKIRrIRKALl. The corresponding English words for the above Tamil words are you for NIiNgKALl, Milk1(noun sense and that too cow’s milk)& Sex(noun sense)for PAaL, Coffee for KOTtTtAiVATtINIiR , tea for TEeNIiR , sex(verb sense) for PAaLURrAVU, milk2(verb sense) for PAaLUuTtTtI, which for ETAi , have for ETtUTTUKKOLlLlA and like for VIRUMPUKIRrIRKALl. It is customary that most of the Tamil people greet any person (consider the case that the Tamil people who knows English) who visit their home by a Water and Milk Drink or Milk by product drink or Soft Drink. During the greeting Water will be given defaultly and after that the Tamil people greets the English people (consider the case that the English people who knows Tamil) by the question NIiNgKALl PAaL , KOTtTtAiVATtINIiR ,TEeNIiR ETAi ETtUTTUKKOLlLlA VIRUMPUKIRrIRKALl? (In practice the the spoken format of the above question is NIiNgKALl PAaL, TtIi,KAaPI ETAi ETtUTTUKKOLlLlA VIRUMPUKIRrIRKALl?). It could be infered that the above Tamil sentence can be correctly translated in English as Which one do you like to have Milk, tea or coffee , Which one do you like to have Sex, tea or coffee? and mistranslated as Which one do you like to have milk, tea or coffee? , Which one do you like to have sex, tea or coffee?.The Tamil people heart during greeting will psychologically look for the thing that the English people should ask for Milk1 and not for Sex or milk or sex due to the reason that thier chastity is not harmed.Similarly the English people should also be aware of the fact the Tamil people meaning PAaL in the question is not equivalent to the cross phones (words across two languages having same sound) of PAaL in English namely ball and pal by which they are not missensed.These above process between English and Tamil peoples can be termed as flight for the reason that the above question should be addressed in fly by the quote I need a glass of Milk1 (if English men need Milk, respectively for coffee,tea,Milk Drink or Milk by product Drink) or by communicating through the language expression that they will be kindly ordered to give any Milk Drink or Milk by product drink or Soft Drink or nothing by Tamil people. In Tamil I term flight as MANnnAVIiCCU. Further the term glass used by the English people makes both Tamil people and English people to sense the transparent nature of Milk Drink or Milk by product drink or Soft Drink in a glass which acts as a prefeeling of exchange between them that will happen in near future.The English people should also cooperate with the Tamil people by having only Milk1(noun sense and that too cow’s milk) or tea or coffee or Milk Drink or Milk by product Drink or Soft Drink or nothing through the command expression that they need a glass of Milk Drink or Milk by product Drink or Soft Drink or nothing. This overall process is termed as duomatchbox. This is due to the reason that both class of people’s are feeling mental boxing during the flight. The term duomatchbox also extends to the feeling between English and Tamil people of the facts that sex2 should be had between husband and his wife, milk2 should be had between mother and her last child till milking period. Further the Tamil people senses that English people are not a cannibal or not opted for non vegetarian dish by avoiding having Sex2.(in Tamil I term duomatchbox as PORUTTAKKATtTtAM).It could be inferred that for flight and duomatchbox to be success Both English and Tamil peoples must be taught about translation and mistranslation that happens due to ambiguity along with cross phones. This is a prerequisite teaching that will psychologically provide a good platform for adding psychological studies as subject in elementary level during Teaching Tamil to English translation.There is also a psychological state in the Tamil people and English people feelings that both or one community of people have not felt flight and duomatchbox (some case one among flight and duomatchbox) during the greeting but the outcome is English people having Milk Drink or Milk by product Drink or Soft Drink from the Tamil people which can be termed as Reflex flight and Reflex duomatchbox similarly in Tamil both of these meanings are termed as MANnnAVIiCCU UNnARVU and PORUTTAKATtTtA UNnARVU.

Biography :

Vivekanandan Ramachandran developed this research project on Tamil People. This project is about presenting the various sense of a Tamil word with its definition and an Example usage of the sense in a sentence for it