Glady Gilbert
European Bio Immune(G)ene Medicine Association, France
Keynote: J Allergy Ther
For a very long time the so-called modern medicine has been exerting its therapeutic effects through inhibiting actions. It is, with a closer look, anti-everything! We offer a different model, called the Bio Immune(G)ene Medicine, based on the connectivity and regulation of the pathophysiological processes affecting cells in a given disease. It is thus a biomimetic method aiming at being as close as possible to the molecular processes involved in a pathological state at several levels, with a strong focus on epigenetic regulation by using numerous microRNAs. To this end, a strict approach at the biological level is necessary, in order to highlight as many factors involved in the disease as possible and then be able to introduce a regulatory treatment. To perform this, we have at our disposal a nanotherapy administered sublingually, in order to facilitate the transmission of the ultra-low molecular doses to the immunocompetent cells, which are present in large numbers in the oropharyngeal mucosa. This kind of therapeutic approach is very-well suited for allergic diseases such as rhinosinusitis. We will try to show in this presentation how the identification and validation of some pathophysiological processes can lead to a very effective therapy with no side-effect, relying only on regulation mechanisms at both the molecular and cellular levels, applied in this case to allergic rhinosinusitis.
Glady Gilbert has graduated Medical School in 1977. Through his work and encounters, he then developed interest and expertise in immunology and immunogenetics that lead him to nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology. He thus became in 2010 the creator of the Bio Immune(G)ene Medicine and Director of EBMA, the European association responsible for communication and trainings in this field. He has participated in numerous international congresses in immuno-allergology, infectiology and oncology and is the author of several publications on nano-biotherapy in different journals.