Rajnandani Kashyap
AcceptedAbstracts: J Pet Environ Biotechnol
Introduction of Water hyacinth was a tragedy to bring beauty as an ornamental crop species. Because of their attractive blue, lilac to purplish flowers and round to oval leaves, it gain popularity in India (in 1910 during the visit of Queen Victoria for the beautification of Ganges). But later found that rather than beautification it did all the kind of harms which a weed does. Soon, it was realized to be an invasive species due to their adaptability and high rate of proliferic growth to a wide type of fresh water ecosystems and interference with human activities. And that was the time when started a lot of research activities to find solution to this dreaded weed. And recently it is found that it can be used for the production of ecologically sustainable fuels (Bio-Ethanols or broadly Bio Fuels). Now, this project deals with the innovative and recent technologies of extracting the ecologically sustainable fuels and even finding a way in which these fuels when compressed can be used widely as a liquid or gas emergency propellant in space programmes. Also it in a way finds its application in easy eradication of water surface covering weed. Even these plants have a high possibility of being grown in the third dimension world (research in progress) by the process of aerophonics and geophonics so that it can be used as a low cost green fuel over there.
Rajnandani Kashyap is pursuing her Btech-Biotechnology from Amity University Rajasthan , Jaipur (India). She is having a detailed knowledge about biofuel production that can be done using water hyacinth. This abstract deals with bioremediation using modern biochemistry and latest technology. She wants to do this research work in future for better tomorrow of earth. She will be grateful if she presents this abstract to get acknowledge about work going around globe