A case report of a 12 year old with TMD and hearing loss
25th Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting
April 25-26, 2019 | Rome, Italy

Azra Mohiti

Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Science, Iran

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dentistry


Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) usually affect adults over 20 years. They usually present with pain in the facial and mastication muscles and rarely cause hearing loss. Most of the time a multidisciplinary approach with conservative treatment is enough to control TMDs.

Case: A 12 year old female with the chief complaint of pain in the facial area and buzzing and some hearing loss in the right ear was referred. In the examination tenderness in the facial and mastication muscles was noted and patient also had some pain during opening the mouth but no limitation of movement was seen. With a TMD diagnosis muscle relaxants and NSAIDs and soft diet, moist warm compresses and passive stretching exercises was prescribed for the patient. The correct occulosal rest position was also taught to the patient. Because of the history of bruxism and clenching in patient a hard night guard was made for the patient for use at night time and during concentration periods at day time. In the first recall after two weeks all the patient’s symptoms were gone and patient was comfortable although the joints noise remained.

Biography :

E-mail: amohiti63@gmail.com