Aparna Banerjee
Synthetic biology is the chemical synthesis of biological components, or biosynthesis of chemicals, or putting engineering principles in designing novel biological systems. Hierarchy and Modular organization of biological systems allows synthetic biology to be possible. This is the newest field in bioscience and the already published papers thrust on DNA assembly, genetic regulation, chromosomal manipulation, cell signaling & coordination, cell state reporting, artificial cells and cellular structures, metabolic pathway optimization. It is very interesting; modeling synthetic libraries of intergenic sequence, synthetic protein scaffolding, markerless chromosomal deletion, modeling carboxysome- a bacterial micro-compartment. All these become possible with the new era of DNA assembly methodologies like- BioBrick, SLIC, Gibson, CPEC, MoClo, GoldenGate, GoldenBraid, USER, yeast approaches. There are broad areas open; microbial host engineering by genetic regulation without plasmid, real world therapeutics, crop engineering, bioremediation, bioprospecting.
Aparna Banerjee is receiving her M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology at the age of 22 from Vidyasagar University. Under the guidance of Dr. Bidyut Bandyopadhyay, she has worked on ?Isolation and characterization of Erythromycin resistant gram negative bacteria?, which is under review of Indian Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT). She has presented hypothesis in 1 international conference and published abstract in 1 national conference.