Research Article - (2015) Volume 0, Issue 0

The Relation between Trace Elements Levels and Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease in Basra

Jamal A. Al-Dohan1, Nazar S.Haddad1,4, Hassan Al-Rubaye2 and Massarah M. Jawad3*
1Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Basra, Iraq
2Interventional Cardiologist in Al Basra Cardiac Center, Al-Sader Teaching Hospital, Basra, Iraq
3Department of Biochemistry, Basra Specialist Children Hospital, Basra, Iraq
4Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs, Chemical Pathology, Al-Sader Teaching Hospital, Basra, Iraq
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