Perspective - (2022) Volume 21, Issue 12

Nature and Development of Deciduous Teeth in Children
Boris Fedorov*
Department of Odontology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
*Correspondence: Boris Fedorov, Department of Odontology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia, Email:

Received: 21-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. OHDM-22-19413; Editor assigned: 24-Nov-2022, Pre QC No. OHDM-22-19413 (PQ); Reviewed: 08-Dec-2022, QC No. OHDM-22-19413; Revised: 15-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. OHDM-22-19413 (R); Published: 22-Dec-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2247-2452.22.21.1031


The very first set of teeth in the development and growth of mankind and also other diphyodonts, which includes most mammals but excludes elephants, kangaroos and manatees, which are polyphyodonts, are known as deciduous teeth, sometimes known as baby teeth or milk teeth. During in the prenatal stage of development, deciduous teeth form and they erupt during infancy. They generally fall out and are replacing by adult dentition, but if they don’t, they can continue to operate for many years into maturity. During the embryonic stage of human development, primary teeth begin to erupt. At the conclusion of the sixth first week tooth development, the dental lamina begins to develop into the first permanent tooth. Beginning at the midline, this process then expands back into to the posterior area. The ten buds that will eventually form the deciduous dentition are present on the lower and upper arches of the embryo by the time it is eight weeks old. The main teeth consist of four of each tooth type: canines, first molars, second molars, central incisors, and lateral incisors, one in each quadrant of the mouth. With the exception of the secondary first and second molars, which are replaced by premolars, all of these are slowly replaced by their identical permanent counterparts. The primary teeth’s roots are destroyed by odontoclasts and absorbed by the developing permanent teeth as a result of root resorption, which is caused by the emerging permanent teeth pushing on the primary teeth’s roots. Tooth exfoliation is the process through which baby teeth fall off and are replaced by permanent teeth. From the ages of six to twelve, this might persist. Only permanent teeth are typically present by the age of thirteen. However, it is fairly uncommon for one or even more primary tooth to be kept past this point, even well into adulthood, frequently as a result of the failure of the secondary tooth to form. The primary teeth keep the jaw’s arch length constant and the replacement permanent teeth grow from the same tooth follicles as the primary teeth.

The eruption course of the adult dentition is guided by the primary teeth. In order to maintain adequate spacing for permanent teeth, the jaw muscles and the development of the jaw bones are also dependent on the primary teeth. Dental caries, sometimes referred to as tooth decay and cavities, is one of the chronic diseases that affect children the most all over the world. This oral ailment is caused by a bacterial infection that destroys and demineralizes the tissues of the teeth. Comprehensive tooth decay is the most prevalent dental condition in primary dentition. At least half of a tooth is affected by an extensive carious lesion and the pulp may also be affected. In primary teeth, tooth decay frequently advances swiftly and penetrates the pulp of tooth. To keep the tooth and the tissues supporting it healthy in cases of severe dental caries, the tissue must be treated. In pulp therapy, infected pulp tissue and decayed portions are removed and the pulp is subsequently sealed with medications. Indirect pulp topping is a procedure that doesn’t disturb the tooth’s deepest carious material near to the pulp in order to protect it. A biocompatible medication is applied to the dentin that has developed cavities in order to seal the tooth. Calcium hydroxide and substitute medications such bonding binders and liners are utilized. When the removal of lesion tooth’s material excavation results in a pinpoint or tiny peripheral nerve injury of 1 mm or less, direct pulp capping is the recommended treatment. A medicine is applied to the pulp. This method has limited application while pulp is exposed as a result of trauma, but it is often disregarded when dealing with lesion pulp exposure in primary teeth due to its demonstrated minimal efficacy. Calcium hydroxide and substitute medications like mineral trioxide aggregate are utilized in DPC. The primary teeth keep the jaw’s arch length constant and the replacement permanent teeth grow from the same tooth follicles as the primary dentition. The eruption course of the adult dentition is guided by the primary teeth. In order to maintain adequate spacing for permanent teeth, the jaw muscles and the development of the jaw bones are also dependent on the primary teeth. The permanent teeth might erupt through the primary teeth’s roots. Although children who have had their primary teeth removed can still eat, the development of a child’s speech, smile and ability to chew food depends on their main teeth