Editorial - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 1

Editorial on Weight loss Maintenance
Sirisha Gawaji*
Department of Food and Nutrition, Andhra University, India
*Correspondence: Sirisha Gawaji, Department of Food and Nutrition, Andhra University, India,

Received: 18-Jan-2021 Published: 31-Jan-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2593-9793.21.6.e125


Weight loss can be achieved through a variety of modalities, but long-term maintenance of lost weight is much more challenging. . Although weight loss can be achieved through dietary restriction and/or increased physical activity, over the long term many individuals regain weight.

Maintaining weight loss takes a different approach than losing the weight. It is regulated by the interaction of a number of processes, encompassing homoeostatic, environmental and behavioral factors. To maintain weight loss, individuals must adhere to behaviors that counteract physiological adaptations and other factors favouring weight regain.

Few common reasons why individuals regain the weight they lose include:,

• Restrictive diets: Extreme calorie restriction may slow your metabolism and shift your appetite-regulating hormones, which contribute to weight regain.

• Wrong mind-set: When you think of a diet as a quick fix, rather than a long-term solution to better your health, you will be more likely to give up and gain back the weight you lost.

• Lack of sustainable habits: Many diets are based on discipline rather than habits that you incorporate into your daily life. Concentrating on rules rather than adapting to life style changes may discourage you and prevent weight maintenance.

The strategies that help in weight loss also play a key role in maintenance:

• Keeping extra weight off takes effort and commitment, just as losing weight does. Support systems used effectively during weight loss can contribute to weight maintenance.

• Physical activity plays a major and essential role in maintaining weight loss. Activity that uses 1,500 to 2,000 calories per week is recommended for maintaining weight loss. Adults should try to get at least 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous level physical activity at least 3 to 4 times per week.

• Diet and exercise are vital strategies for losing and maintaining weight.

• Once the ideal body weight is attained, the gradual addition of about 200 calories of healthy, low-fat food to daily intake may be attempted for one week to see if weight loss continues. If weight loss continues, additional calories of healthy foods may be added to the daily diet until the right balance of calories to maintain the desired weight has been determined. A nutritionist can help with this.

• Continuing to use behavioural strategies is necessary to maintain weight. Yoga or meditation can be practiced on regular basis to deal with stress.

A temporary return to old habits does not mean failure. Being conscious about dietary choices and exercise can help in maintaining weight loss. Identifying situations, such as negative moods and interpersonal difficulties, and using alternative methods of coping with such situations rather than over-eating can prevent returning to old habits.

Citation: Gawaji S (2021) Editorial on Weight-Loss Maintenance. J Nutri Weight Loss 6:1

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