Tetiana Zinchenko

Tetiana Zinchenko

Tetiana Zinchenko, Ph.D
Senior Academic Researcher, Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation


Dr. Tetiana is a practicing clinician with twenty years of experience in mental health.  She has 5 years of experience in forensic expert psychiatry in specialized psychiatric clinics, 15 years of experience in psychological counseling and psychotherapy for anxiety disorders, depression and suicidal behavior, 10 years of experience in neurorehabilitation. For the last five years she has specialized in group, family and individual psychotherapy and rehabilitation of people with various behavioral addictions. She currently works as a psychotherapist in private practice. Tatiana is a socially active person, so she is constantly involved in volunteer activities of community organizations. From 2015 to 2019 she conducted hundreds of seminars and trainings in more than 20 countries for professionals and general audiences.

Research Interest

Her main scientific interests are studying the impact of information technology on consciousness, the brain and the development of the human personality, as well as the ontology, nature and functioning of human consciousness