Subbiah Poopathi

Subbiah Poopathi

Subbiah Poopathi
Deputy-Director, Vector Control Research Centre
Pondicherry, India


Dr. Poopathi has received his PhD from Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu in the year of 2009. Currently, he is a Deputy Director at Vector Control Research Centre, Pondicherry. He is an eminent scientist in the field of Medical Entomology  and has several years of experience in molecular techniques including DNA-finger printing.

Research Interest

Integrated Vector Management and Control (Biological Control). The research area covers: protection from mosquito vectors using deltamethrin impregnated curtains, epidemiology, surveillance, biology, bio-pesticides, mechanism of mode of action, histopathological studies, vector management, development of resistance, resistance management, molecular mechanism of microbial resistance, organo-phosphate resistance, toxicity, bioassays, biochemical-analysis, enzymology, microbial fermentation process, cost-effective technology, solid waste management, biochemical and molecular biological studies on the purification and characterization of mosquitocidal toxins, identification of novel bacteria from environmental sources for mosquito vector control etc. The other area of his interest is on Japanese encephalitis, filariasis, malaria, hemoglobinopathies, scrub typhus and nanoparticles.