Silvina Fadda

Silvina Fadda

Silvina Fadda
Adjunct Scientific Researcher, National Research Council


SILVINA FADDAreceived her PhD in Biochemistryfrom the National Tucumán University (UNT) Argentina working at CERELA (Reference Centre for Lactobacilli)on the enzymology of fermented cured sausages (1999). She had two foreign post-doctoralpositionsat INRA Clermont Ferrand, France working on the role of Staphylococcus carnosus on flavour development of fermented sausages and in Spain, worked at IRTA-Monells on the EU project “Tradisausage” (2000 to 2004). In 2005 she initiated the proteomics studies at CERELA–CONICET(National Research Council), Argentina.The peptidogenic metabolism of Lactic Acid Bacteria, other proteolytic events during fermentation and the mechanisms employed by bacteria to survive exposure to curing stresses are addressed using proteomic techniques. She has presented her data at numerous national and international scientific meetings and conferences.Currently she has a Adjunct Scientific Researcher status at CERELA,CONICET-Argentina, and develops also post graduate teaching activities at the National Tucumán University. She is the responsible for the Proteomics Laboratory at CERELA.Dr FADDA is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications in highly regarded journals.She serves as peer reviewer in several internationaljournals on her field as well as for National Research grants.

Research Interest

Lactic Acid Bacteria metabolism, fermented meat products, flavour development, food biomarkers, biopreservation, functional starter cultures, functional genomics, proteomics