Ralph Mosges

Ralph Mosges

Ralph Mosges
Institute of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Computer Science
University of Cologne, Germany


University professor Ralph Mosges FAAAAI MD PhD MSEE is an otorhinolaryngologist and allergologist He resides in Cologne GermanyIn 1996 he became Professor for Medical Informatics and the Deputy Chairman of the Institute of Medical Statistics Informatics and Epidemiology at the University of Cologne in Germany He has previously been a consultant for otorhinolaryngology and responsible for the ORL Allergy Clinic at the University Hospital Medical Faculty of Aachen where he is still a lecturer in otorhinolaryngologyRalph Mosges has completed studies in the fields of electrical engineering and medicine at the University of Aachen Germany and has received a diploma in engineering a master degree in public administration and a doctoral degree in medicine He has undergone training in pneumology and otorhinolaryngology and has received advanced degrees in otorhinolaryngology allergology and medical informatics He holds a PhD degree in medical informaticsIn 1986 he was a fellow in clinical pharmacology at the WHO cooperative center LERS in Paris and Munich and later served as a consultant for this scientific institution Professor Mosges holds a patent for computerassisted surgery and is the editor of the handbook of Computerintegrated Surgery which was published by MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts He was Program Chairman of the MRCAS World Congress on Medical Robotics and Computerassisted Surgery

Research Interest

His current major research fields are allergy and infections diseases of the upper airways, epidemiology, and clinical pharmacology. He gave keynote lectures at the conference of the International Rhinologic Society in Ghent, Belgium, and at conferences of national academies and was invited by national societies of allergy and otorhinolaryngology to lecture in 64 countries.Ralph Mosges is the author and editor of seven books and has published more than 150 articles in journals including Allergy, Eur Arch ORL, ORL, Bio Drugs, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, The Journal of Otolaryngology, and Drug Research. He serves on the editorial board of the journal Rhinology and several other German and foreign journals. He serves as a member of the guidelines committee of the German Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and he is also a member of the task forces for the development of guidelines in rhinosinusitis and in sudden deafness of this scientific society. Professor Mosges is a member of the European Academies of Allergy and Rhinology and a fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (FAAAAI).Professor Mosges has been involved as a study coordinator, biostatistician, investigator, or principle investigator in more than 150 clinical studies. He has also been a consultant for private and public institutions such as Daimler Benz AG, Philips B.V., the German Aerospace Agency, and the German Research Council (DFG).In 2009 Prof. Mosges has received the prize for the best poster in Rhinology/plastic surgery at the IFOS World Congress of Otolaryngology and the German Apheresis Innovation Award for his research in sudden deafness.