Dentistry received 2345 citations as per Google Scholar report
Nobou Kondo
Professor, Department of Oral Biochemistry
Asahi University, School of Dentistry, Japan
Dr. Nobuo Kondoh was graduated from Hokkaido University School of Dentistry, then the postgraduate course of oral surgery at the Hokkaido University, Japan. He was awarded fellowship of the Japan Society for the promotion of science for Japanese junior scientists. He was experienced Visiting Fellow, then Visiting Associate of Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, U.S.A. Research Associate of Department of Cell Genetics, Sasaki Institute, Tokyo, Japan. Assistant Professor of Department of Biochemistry, National Defense Medical College, Saitama, Japan. From 2008 to present, Professor of Department of Oral Biochemistry, Division of Oral Structure, Function and Development, Asahi University School of Dentistry, Gifu, Japan.
Oral cancer and pre-cancerous disorder. Molecular biology, iochemistry and cell biology.Cell biology.