Jongwha Chang
Department of Social & Administrative Sciences, McWhorter School of Pharmacy
Samford University, USA
Dr. Chang has a strong interest in quantitative methodology in health services research. His research generally focuses on application of statistical/econometrics methodology in examining issues related to health care utilization, physician decision making, hospital management, health policy evaluation, effectiveness of medical care delivery (pharmaceutical care), and pharmaceutical outcomes in diseases. In particular, he has a strong disease-specific research interest in outcomes evaluation in chronic diseases (i.e. asthma, diabetes, and cancer), and the study of economic outcomes (healthcare cost analysis) related with pharmacotherapy. Dr. Chang has led and participated in several research projects in the areas of health outcomes, healthcare management, patient-centered medical home, physician-prescribing behaviors and pharmaceutical health services research.
Quantitative Health Service Research; Health Outcomes; Healthcare Management; Meta†Analysis; Applied Micro Econometrics; Health Care Cost Analysis; Patientâ€Centered Medical Home; Integrated Delivery System; Costâ€Effectiveness Analysis; Comparative Effectiveness Analysis