Ilko Getov
Associate Professor, Faculty of pharmacy
Medical University-Sofia, Bulgaria
Ilko Getov was born in Sofia, Bulgaria and graduate master of pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy in 1988. He obtained PhD in Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance at Medical University Sofia. He has appointed to the staff of the faculty in 1996 and received Associate professorship in 2005. He specialized in Pharmacoepidemiology, post marketing surveillance and drug regulation in Germany, Italy, etc. Prof. Getov gives lectures on Social pharmacy, Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical pharmacy. He published original scientific papers in international and local journals. At national level he is a National consultant on Clinical pharmacy at the Ministry of Health and member of Supreme Pharmacy Council. He is a tutor of diploma thesis of 29 students and 4 PhD students (2 finalized). He has over 100 scientific papers and over 50 participations in scientific events. He is editor and co-author in books, text books and monographs. He is married and has one daughter.
Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance, Social pharmacy and Clinical pharmacy