Chung H Kau

Chung H  Kau

Chung H Kau
Professor & Chairman, Department of Orthodontics
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA


Chung H Kau is Chairman and Professor at the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Alabama Birmingham. He is an active clinical practioner and researcher with a keen interest in three dimensional and translational research. His imaging facility is in possession of the Sirona Galileos CBCT device and the 3dMD surface imaging device. He has served as a research mentor to a number of researchers residents and predoctoral students One of these includes UTHSC’s only 2008 Fulbright scholar. In 2010 he recieved the King James IV Professorship from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh.

Research Interest

He is an active clinical practioner and researcher with a keen interest in three dimensional and translational research.