Brian Conway

Brian Conway

Brian Conway
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
University of British Columbia, Canada


Brian Conway MD, FRCPC, is the Medical Director of the Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre, a non-profit society dedicated to innovative care and research in the field of infectious diseases with an emphasis on HIV and HCV infections. He is also working as an Assistant Professor at University of British Columbia. He has been the Co-chair of the Ministerial Council for the federal initiative on HIV/AIDS since 2008. He is the president of the Société Santé en français, a federal group charged with the development of health care services for francophones outside Quebec. He is the past president of the Canadian Association for HIV Research (2007-2009). He is a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network. Over the past 5 years, he has played a leadership role in the development of novel strategies for the delivery of multidisciplinary care for HIV and HCV in the inner city. These strategies have emphasized the simplification of therapeutic options and integration of medical, addiction and psychological aspects of care. He holds significant research funding to develop models for the treatment of HCV & HIV infection focusing on the treatment of illicit drug users. His programs have received a number of awards for their innovation and success, including the Health Employers Association of British Columbia Award of Excellence in 2008. He was the Francophone of The Year in British Columbia in 2007, for his work in the development of culturally and linguistically optimized systems of primary and specialty care for minority populations. This year, he has been awarded a Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee medal for his long-term contribution to the field of HIV and vulnerable populations in Canada.

Research Interest

Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics