Brent Lin

Brent Lin

Brent Lin
Clinical Professor, Division of Pediatric Dentistry
University of California, USA


Dr. Lin is a Clinical Professor in Division of Pediatric Dentistry. His post-doctoral trainings include pediatric dentistry, geriatric dentistry, and hospital dentistry. Prior to joining the faculty at UCSF, Dr. Lin was an Assistant Professor in the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. He has also held academic appointment at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and Thomas Jefferson University School of Allied Health. His appointment in the UCSF is in teaching, administration, research, faculty practice, and service. Dr. Lin is the Director for the Pre-Doctoral Pediatric Dentistry Program. His major teaching responsibilities are clinical teaching and lecturing for the pre-doctoral dental students, as well as participation in the resident training.

Research Interest

Dr. Lin’s research interests are in oral health disparities, dental diseases and caries in children and older adults, and dental materials.