Bhavna Joshi

Bhavna Joshi

Bhavna Joshi
Director, Atharva Multispeciality Ayurveda Hospital


Dr.Bhavna Joshi(M.D.Ayu.Onco.Gold Medalist,Gujarat Ayurved University),Consultant Cancer Physician And Director-Atharva Multispeciality Ayurveda Hospital,Cancer Research Center,Rajkot,President-International Cancer Foundation . She Has Published More Than 10 Papers In National And International Conferences On Oncology Research I.E. ASCO-PAN Asia Conference At New Delhi In Feb-2002 .Poster Presentation At GCRI-Ahmedabad In AROI National Conference Dec-2005. International Conference On Cancer At NCI- National Cancer Institute, Betehesda, USA. Dec. 2007, Visiting U.S.A. every year to conduct seminars on Ayurveda Oncology and workshops.

Research Interest

Role of Raudra Rasa in management of Arbuda; Comparative study to combat the side effect of radiotherapy and to increase the effect of radiotherapy in advance head & neck cancer and cervical cancer with radiation and plant product