Articles published in Clinics in Mother and Child Health have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Clinics in Mother and Child Health has got h-index 20, which means every article in Clinics in Mother and Child Health has got 20 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Clinics in Mother and Child Health.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

62 65 35 25 31

Year wise citations received

273 291 263 173 103
Journal total citations count 1547
Journal Impact Factor 1.65
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.78
Journal CiteScore 5.56
Journal h-index 20
Important citations

Late Onset Hypocalcemia Caused by Hypovitaminosis D


Impact of Kangaroo Mother Care on Outcome of Very Low Birthweight Preterm Newborns in a Tertiary Hospital in Abakaliki, Nigeria

Nursing Care during Sudden Infant Death

Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences

Assessment of uptake of cervical cancer screening services among women of reproductive age in Khwisero sub-county, Kakamega County, Kenya

Visual inspection with acetic-acid (VIA) service utilization and associated factors among women in Hawassa city, southern Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Cancer: A Review

Uptake of pre-cervical cancer screening and associated factors among reproductive age women in Debre Markos town, Northwest Ethiopia, 2017

Safety and feasibility of myomectomy during caesarean section in case of pregnancy associated with fibroid uterus

Relation between Obesity and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in Today's Life

Genetics of Recurrent and Spontaneous Miscarriage

Helicobacter Pylori au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Libreville: Aspects Épidémiologiques et Cliniques à Propos de 728 Patients

Problems identified in human organs when associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Parental Perceptions About Informed Consent/Assent in Pediatric Research in Jordan

Maternal use of montelukast in early pregnancy and infant congenital malformations

The state of birth asphyxia in Ethiopia: An umbrella review of systematic review and meta-analysis reports, 2020

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Perinatal Asphyxia in Neonates Admitted to Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northern Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Perinatal Asphyxia Among Neonates Admitted Jimma Medical Center, Jimma, Ethiopia

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Perinatal Asphyxia among Neonates in General Hospitals of Tigray, Ethiopia, 2018