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Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, Rangoonwala University of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Pune, India
Research Article
Evaluation of Hard and Soft Tissues around Immediately Placed Implants
with Immediate Loading Versus Immediately Placed Implants with
Delayed Loading: A Clinical and Radiographic Study
Author(s): Waqas Naseer Ansari*, Sangeeta D Muglikar, Prerna Sanjay Ghodke, Salika Sheikh and Rashmi V Hegde
Evaluation of Hard and soft tissues around immediately placed implants with immediate loading versus immediately placed
implants with delayed loading- A clinical and radiographic study Introduction: Teeth can be lost due to many reasons such
as trauma, caries or periodontal disease. The classic and conventional protocols of implant placement usually have a waiting
period of 6 months or more. In anterior aesthetic regions, it hampers patient satisfaction and confidence levels irrespective of
the age or gender of the patient. To avoid this embarrassment, new protocol of immediate implant placement with immediate
loading or immediate implant placement with delayed loading was developed.
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of immediately placed and immediately restored single tooth implant
on hard and soft tissue and to compare .. View more»