Department of Vascular Surgery, Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Pilsonu iela 13 , Riga, LV–1002, Latvia
Case Report
Duodenal Perforation due to Inferior Vena Cava Filter in a Multi-morbid Young Patient: First Clinical Case Report in Latvia
Author(s): Sintija Strautmane*, Roberts Rumba, Zanda Priede, Andrejs Millers, Kaspars Kisis, Andrejs Brikuns and Dainis Krievins
Introduction: The inferior vena cava filter is known to be a safe and effective method for preventing fatal pulmonary
artery thromboembolism. We report a case report of inferior vena cava filter perforation on duodenum in a
multimorbid young patient undergoing full midline laparotomy and cavotomy.
Case presentation: A 37-year-old male was admitted to a tertiary university hospital following recurrent episodes of
epistaxis. In 2008, the patient developed traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage with a following decompressive
trepanation and bilateral pulmonary artery thromboembolism. An inferior vena cava filter was implanted. In 2021,
due to suspected duodenal perforation, an urgent fibrogastroscopy was performed, revealing duodenal perforation
caused by the inferior vena cava filter and aortic pseudoaneurysm. Vena cava filter evac.. View more»