Fetati H

Department of Pharmacovigilance, Research and pharmaceutical development Laboratory, University hospital establishment of Oran, Algeria

  • Research Article   
    Drug Induced Liver Injury: An Algerian Descriptive Study
    Author(s): Amina Berradia*, Mekaouche FZN, Fetati H and Toumi H

    Many drugs can be toxic to the liver, leading to severe or even fatal liver damage in some patients. In Algeria, the description and the incidence of this adverse effect (AE) remain unknown. In addition, no paraclinical examination confirms the diagnosis of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) because it relies essentially on so-called specific algorithmic causality assessment methods (CAM). The objective of our study was to describe DILI cases at university hospital establishment of Oran (UHEO) and to contribute to the diagnosis and management of these cases. A descriptive study (June 2011 - August 2017) was conducted on archived declarations in our service or on new reports from the various departments of UHEO. A special form has been designed to collect the information necessary for causality assessment. After collecting informations, the causality was assessed by a .. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2167-1052.20.9.233

    Abstract HTML PDF