Debra Hain

Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, United States of America

  • Research Article   
    Deaths in Four Opioid Categories among the Older Population during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Florida
    Author(s): Armiel Suriaga*, Ruth M. Tappen and Debra Hain

    Background: Opioid overdose deaths remain a global health problem. Over half a million died from drug use, and 70% were attributable to opioids. The problem is more severe in the United States, where opioid overdose deaths had a 44.18% increase from 47,600 deaths in 2017 to 68,630 deaths in 2020 alone. While public attention is focused on younger adults, the consistent increase in opioid overdose deaths in the older population warrants careful attention. Objective: Our study aims to report the descriptive results of older adults who died from four opioid categories during the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of older decedents or people ≥65 years who died from opioids during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020. Results: Three hundred forty-ei.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2684-1320.23.9.230

    Abstract HTML PDF