Zamzam M

Zamzam M


  • Review Article
    Delivering Healthcare and Education as Rightful Services not Commodities: A Noble Cause with Great Practical Implications at Children’s Cancer Hospital – 57357 Egypt
    Author(s): Soliman R, Eweida W, Zamzam M and Abouelnaga SSoliman R, Eweida W, Zamzam M and Abouelnaga S

    Health care and education should be delivered to everyone as rightful services with a moral motive evolving form the fact that they are basic human rights and not commodities. Services are attainable rights, while commodities are only delivered or become of better quality when someone pays for them. Being labelled as rightful services, healthcare and education cannot be owned. And that is the right policy for health and education reform, because if they were owned as commodities, it would be easy to control them and limit their delivery based on affordability. The delivery of healthcare and educational services as rightful services has humanistic, economic and developmental implications. From a humanistic standpoint, healthcare and education should be delivered as basic human rights, and not as gifts or privileges that are granted to people with terms and conditions. Also, the concept.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2375-4273.1000191

    Abstract PDF