Timo Schinköthe
Timo Schinköthe is currently working in Institute for Innovation and Medicine, Munich, Germany
After graduating in biology incl. informatics he became a graduate Doctor of Medicine and worked at the oncology clinic of the University of Cologne for several years. He taught at different universities, both at home and abroad. At present he heads the IIM Institute for Innovation and Medicine, Kirchheim/Munich and the Clinical health Research Group at the Breast Center, University of Munich (LMU). He is head of the working group for health of the German Society for Haematology and Oncology (DGHO) and a member of the commission for telemedicine of the German Society for Inner Medicine (DGIM). He is the chairman of the German health platform CANKADO, which is intended to support treatments in oncology (www.cankado.com). He has been active in the business world for many years, e.g. as Managing Director of the companies Tumour Tec GmbH, TIAN Medical Consulting GbR and Evimed Online GmbH. Today he is a partner at Industrie Consult International M&A and primarily advises German and international clients involved in the health care and IT sector.
Research Interest
His research interests are Medical Practice